Slice of Life Story Challenge. Yesterday I loved a sentence

Yesterday I loved a sentence.

“I bask in their jaunty youthfulness”.

I read in a post of the blog One Sunflower- journal of an early childhood teacher.

First I didn’t understand, bask and jaunty. So I didn’t comprehend the complete meaning of the sentence. When I knew about them, I thougth what  fabulous words. I liked their meanings. After I understood the words, I love the sentece. It allowed  me to live the image of basking in their jaunty youthfulness.

With this, I  found how magic can be words. A word catches more words inside of it. Also catches a lot of meanings, ideas and feelings.

For example, bask is:   to sunbathe, to enjoy,  to let it caress. What you can write with this word.


I bask in my favorite tree, every summer./I bask sunsets at the beach…/I bask mom’s caress.


What does it mean? Synonims : chirk, cheerful, happy, joyful, lively,
ligth-hearted, chirpy, canty, boon, swinging, zappy, jocose, high-spirited.

Synonims are amazing ! Don’t you?

Synonims are beautiful. For describing or expressing something, we can find many forms of writing. There is a big Word’s World.

I love language.

Thanks to

One Sunflower- journal of an early childhood teacher

7 thoughts on “Slice of Life Story Challenge. Yesterday I loved a sentence

  1. Dear Erandi,
    Thank you for sharing this slice into how you explored one sentence. I think it is a perfect insight into how we constantly adjust our understanding of a language. While I was living in Germany, bathroom stalls were a favorite source of new Germanisms. I would write them down and study their meanings, asking friends for their thoughts.
    Happy Slicing
    PS – I LOVE synonyms. We have an entire wall in our classroom covered with them.

  2. The world of words is simply wonderful – experimenting with words an the images they create is so much fun, an can create such beauty. Thanks for sharing !

  3. I love the whole concept of “Yesterday, I loved a sentence.” What a wonderful slice of life!!! I find myself loving many sentences in SOLS blogs.

  4. Today I love YOUR sentence: “A word catches more words inside of it.” I am going to borrow this sentence to share with my 8th grade students. Your words are charming!

  5. Hey – thanks for the compliment – and I love how you took the sentence apart. It’s funny because you did exactly what I did to build it in the first place! I thought of the feeling, chose the best words I could find, checked them out in the dictionary and voila!

  6. I have never tried capturing in writing how my thinking goes when I learn/understand new words. I have noticed however that the words that you had never seen before start popping up in texts. Even though I read a lot in English, and use the Thesaurus, I sometimes struggle with finding the words that I need. There are just some things that don’t translate from one language (Estonian) to another (English.) But then again I struggle sometimes with finding the right words in my mother tongue also. Lets enjoy the adventure in “the big Word’s World.”

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